INTRODUCING- LISA: The Campfire Collab!
Hey there beautiful people of Newgrounds!!
LISA the Painful recently got a huge update with LISA the Painful: Definitive Edition.
For those unfamiliar with the series- you should go play it dawg. (rn rn rn rn rn)
In celebration, BooneBum & I are opening up submissions for a
new Lisa themed - Newgrounds collab we’ve called
“LISA: The Campfire Collab”
In the new Definitive Edition, its creator, Dingaling, added CAMPFIRE CONVERSATIONS between the many unique party members in the game. They’re essentially new cutscenes to show the personalities of all these characters interacting with one another.
Here’s a great example of one from the game
So awesome to see…..There’s one problem though, there isn’t enough of them.
We need MORE! How about we make them?? There's tons of possible combinations!
The set up and idea of this collab can be thought of as something akin to the classic Africa Dudes Newgrounds collab. A back and forth conversation around a campfire in a post apocalyptic setting with the many wacky and outlandish characters you can play as.
+ In addition, we are opening submissions for LISA The Painful artwork. Art will be featured in between cartoons +
(full details on art submissions below)
Submissions are open from now until the OFFICIAL DUE DATE of
February 28, 2024
plenty of time to make a sick ass toon :)
…………👾DM BooneBum or Myself for a link to the OFFICIAL Collab Discord!!! 👾…………..
Submissions can be sent to:
(Please also include your NG username as well as anyone else’s account who helped out on your submission)
**Disclaimer, if your submission does not meet the requirements below it WILL NOT be included, no ifs ands or big bbw butts- so read the dang r00lz yo!!
**While we prefer you to wait for the collab’s release, you may still post your submission on social media
➡️ BUT IT MUST INCLUDE the collabs end card or watermark ⬅️
When posting please use the hashtags #LISACampfireCollab and #Newgrounds
Collab Guidelines & Rules
➖ Avoid Spoilers ➖
-No mention of endings or important scenes in the game.
-Brad can have missing arms. Just don’t acknowledge how or why ;)
-Foreshadowing game events is okay, just don’t make it obvious.
[if your idea may include spoilers let us know and we can determine if it will be suitable]
➖ Campfires ➖
-Must have 2-4 characters around the campfire
-LISA: The Painful party members ONLY! (No Buddy, Rando, Joyful characters, etc.)
-We recommend choosing a unique combination of the 30 characters in your cartoon to avoid the same party members being used over & over, so try to use more than just your favorites!
(You can join the Discord & see who other people are choosing to help you make your decision)
➖ Cartoon Submissions ➖
-Feel free to submit multiple cartoons! This back and forth style video can be pumped out as it focuses mainly on the dialogue. The format and styling of this can be thought of a spiritual successor to one of our all time favorite videos:
- This formating lends itself exactly to the formula of Africa Dudes and videos can be as simple as cutting back and forth from person to person having a weird/funny/serious convo, you dont have to have played the game to be included or really get it. In fact some of the funniest entries have been from ppl not super familiar with the source materiel lol.
-We’re accepting every visual medium whether it be fully 2D animated, animatic, 3D, etc.
Just make something awesome!
-Must be set in the desolate world of Olathe. However, as you may have seen in-game, campfires can happen in numerous environments (desert, cave, on a cliff, etc.) & while mostly nighttime, can also be sunset or sunrise.
➖ Art ➖
-Art will be featured in the collab in between each cartoon.
-Two scenarios for art submissions:
- Draw party members w/ Brad during the daytime (any amount but recommend 1-3)
- Draw party members interacting/partying around the campfire at night
-The collab will feature border art (similar to the new borders added in the Definitive Edition of the game) however, we aren’t accepting border submissions. But if you’d like to apply to be a border artist, send us your best art examples & we will get back to you if we like what we see!
➖ Resolution Requirements ➖
We want to keep the aspect ratio of the collab to match the game so PLEASE for consistency sake- make your submissions have a resolution of 1440 x 1080 (Or any other resolution with 4:3 aspect ratio) if you fail to follow this requirement you will feel the pain….
➖ Music & Voice Actors ➖
-If you’re a musician or voice actor who is willing to help people out in this collab, please comment on this news post or DM us to join the Discord server to link up with creators!
-Music from the game is allowed in your entries, as well as remixes (as long as you have permission)
-Taitoki has LOTS of fan-made LISA music & remixes however they could really use some support at the moment so if you use some of their music in your submission, please consider donating to them!
We’re very excited to see what you guys come up with!
fuck yeah